

Obiettivo: €250

Abbiamo percorso: 1.542 Km

Il nostro punteggio: 4992

La nostra posizione in classifica: 15
Pedaliamo per: Amazon

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Pedalano in questa squadra

  1. Paolo Sala

    Amazon IT legal team
  2. Laura Mantini

  3. Valeria Brigliadori

    Good for the community, good for ourselves!
  4. Margherita Puca

  5. Viola Vago

  6. Pierpaolo di Lorenzo

    Più chilometri che posso in bici!
  7. Andrea Tel

    Run, make a change
  8. Francesco Nisi


    our legal team is committed to make a significant impact in the communities we serve, also through ordinary and daily activities such as walking and running that can gift kids with a smile! Volunteering allows us to contribute positively to causes we care about
  10. Silvia Totti

    Let's run and walk together for a good cause!
  11. Federica Privitera

    Our legal team is committed to make a significant impact in the communities we serve, also through ordinary and daily activities such as walking and running that can gift kids with a smile! Volunteering allows us to contribute positively to causes we care about.
  12. Maria Teresa Santaguida
